Write podcast about violence and society
Hello, I want to talk about today violence. is the violence boost the wish of kill or decrease the wish of kill? Some people think the violence in video games in television in books increasing the wish of kill inside of human. another site some of them think the violence in games TV ETC, decreasing the wish of killing inside of human. I don't know sometimes when I play video games include Violence I feel relax maybe this feels good to me. it depends to human to human. for example, think a person he does not hurt any living creatures, but he needs decrease his stress level Generating from real life. he cannot say or cannot do anything the people around him. but in video games or in television movies includes violence he thinks inside off his brain he is doing that bad things to these people. If he feels decrease his stress level That's good, these consequences are good for the environment of him.
but another site if he thinks to do these bad things to people around him it will be bad. I think it looks like personal armament. if the person uses his weapon to hurt innocent civilians It will be bad situation. but he uses his weapon to personal defense or save any innocent civilians life it will be good. I think we must educate our generations about Being a good person, not hurting innocent civilians and help and save peoples life. if you educate a child perfectly, in the future He has even nuclear weapon he won't hurt any innocent civilian. it's just all about educate our children being a good person.
today on our world we see a lot of bad things happening. the states say they are always doing good things and trying to stop Scarcity, Terrorism ETC. but in a day a lot of innocent civilians die, killing by a murder, terror attacks, starving, wars, local fights ETC. in my opinion the main problem is population. in 2021 The world population is 7 billion 594 million people. I want to give an example; just think a school. there are 200 teachers and 7594 students in that school. you are trying to educate all these students, but the number of teachers is not enough. the States and governments look like teachers. they want to educate all of citizens, but they cannot reach all of us. At some point some of the students listen their teacher but some scamp ones do not listen and doing bad things. the government cannot see everything and Response every situation. every person must educate himself or herself Ant the second mission is educate our children. those are my opinion. I do not claim they are all true. actually, this is my public diary. thanks all of you listen to me I am so thankful to you. please enjoy your life leave the moment beware of bad things, try to improve yourself and you support or not support your government please try to help save the peace environment in your country. God bless you. if you want to ask something, fix the issues, suggest an idea or ETC. please contact me, this document created with Microsoft Office word Dictate (talk to write).
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